Venus Morris

Venus Morris is the Founder of Melanated ACT (Art, Culture and Technology). She is dedicated to pushing the agenda of "Radical healing" forward into communities across the nation through art, cultural empowerment, self-awareness and experimental workshops, activism, advocacy and philanthropy. Since she was 18, she has been a part of the movement to abolish modern day slavery also known as "Human Trafficking". Specifically focused on the area of "sexually exploited children", Venus has been heavy on the front line when it comes to speaking out for those who have been affected by this travesty. She has been a part of S.H.A.D.E since before it started and has proven herself on multiple occasions to be for and about the children. For the past 8 years she has hosted S.H.A.D.E’s annual "Stop the P.I.M.P Open Mic" in honor of SEM Awareness Week. Morris has a spirit of gold and is a millennial to be on the lookout for. If you haven't already spotted her.